Former New Norfolk Police Station

I captured this photograph of the former New Norfolk Police Station one late in 2020. The next morning at first light fencing was being erected in preparation for demolition. Designed in the late 1960s the building was demolished early this year. I remember driving past the station way back in the early 2000s when I was busy documenting the nearby Royal Derwent Hospital and remember thinking I should get around to making photographs of the forward nearly 20 years and I hadn't made any photos! When I heard that the Station was being demolished I made a journey to New Norfolk and stayed overnight to document the building before it was lost forever. I was happy to have captured this photograph (and others) as I had no idea that the fencing was going up that next morning. I am captivated by dying buildings like these and I find it so important to capture these moments before they are lost forever. So much has changed since I started making photographs back in the early 2000s for the Tasmanian Modernism project - New Norfolk Police Station, Launceston General Hospital, Devonport Maternity Hospital, Royal Derwent Hospital, Devonport Police Station,10 Murray Street....just some of the examples of buildings and sites I've documented that have since been demolished. I love that a photograph can capture a moment in time and that such moments can make a building and its memory last forever - at least in the form of the image. You can view more photographs from my collection of demolished Modernist buildings in Tasmania on the website

Former New Norfolk Police Station captured the day before demolition commenced

Former New Norfolk Police Station captured the day before demolition commenced